Welcome to the MetroWest YMCA! We are excited to launch a platform that will make it easier to join the Y and engage in Y programs and services. Our new system, provides Y members and community members with an online method to do business with us. You will now be able to join the Y and sign up for programs anytime online with ease!

You will need a new account to register for programs. Do not create a new account if you are a current Y member. This will create a duplicate account, but will not give you preferred member pricing.
If you are a current member or if you’ve signed up for a program at the Y during the last three years, you should already have a account. To access it for the first time you will need to reset your password by clicking the Login button in the top left of this screen and then clicking on the “Forgot Password” link. You will be prompted for a username - this is the primary email address we have on file for you.
If you don’t remember your primary email address click the “Forgot Username” button on the Login screen. If you don’t have access to the email address on file, you will need to contact Member Services at the number listed below.
If you are not a current Y Member, click the "Register" link above and create an account.
Member Support
Contact Member Services at memberservices@metrowestymca.org, or call us at 508-879-4420. We're open Monday-Friday, 6 am - 8 pm, Saturday 7am - 12:30 pm, and closed on Sunday. Staff at your local branch will also be able to help answer questions you have about the system. .